Mental Toughness Profile™

Profiling Your Performer’s Mental Capabilities

The Mental Toughness Profile™

The Mental Toughness Profile™ is based on the latest research on the unique mental toughness qualities of elite performers in various high-performance domains. It provides a comprehensive assessment of a performer’s or team’s mental ability to withstand and deal effectively with pressure and high stress.

The Mental Toughness Profile™ is to be used by Certified Mental Toughness Coaches to help evaluate their client’s or coachee’s mental strengths and areas for improvement in the following key mental toughness areas:

  • Composure – Staying calm and relaxed in any pressure situation
  • Concentration – Focusing on performing and ignoring distractions when it matters
  • Confidence – Having the self-belief and trust in one’s capabilities
  • Coping with Challenges – Overcoming adversities and setbacks well
  • Cohesion – Giving and receiving social support to and from others

A sample Mental Toughness Profile™ report is available upon request.

The Mental Toughness Team Report™

When two or more individuals are assessed, a Mental Toughness Team Report™ can be generated. This team report is automatically generated to help the Certified Mental Toughness Coach gain a big-picture perspective of their clients' or coachees' mental toughness profiles in one easy-to-read group profile chart. The features of the team report include:

  • Every member of the group or team assessed are combined into each section of the 5C's in the report, namely - Composure, Concentration, Confidence, Cope-ability, and Cohesion.
  • Simple, practical ways to improve on each of the 5C's are suggested.
  • Note: This report is only available through a Certified Mental Toughness Coach.

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